Change Log

Aug 22, 2024 - End User
  • Bug fix for an issue that prevented partial-payment of some invoices.
Aug 22, 2024 - Admin User
  • Bug fix for an issue that caused an error when navigating from the user profile to admin pages.
Aug 8, 2024 - End User
  • Show Invoice Date, in addition to Due Date.
  • Payment confirmation now includes the last 4 digits of the card used.
  • Removed ability to overpay an invoice; underpayment still possible.
  • Fixed bug where payment confirmation did not appear when making a batch payment.
  • Fixed issue with total for open invoices being incorrect.
  • Added verbiage under card or bank details: “Click above to select payment by bank or card.”
  • Changed background colors behind tenant logos.
  • Require password change every 12 months.
  • Require users to log in again after one hour of idle time.
Aug 8, 2024 - Autopay
  • Changed default autopay date to due date instead of the 1st of the month.
  • Enabled users to change their autopay details.
  • Added verbiage to autopay setup: “Please note that when choosing a payment on ‘Day of Month’, the payment will not process until after the due date of the invoice has passed.”
  • Users cannot set up an autopay unless there was a previous invoice with their AR email contact associated with that email.
Aug 8, 2024 - Admin User
  • User can multi-select invoices to create a batch pay.
  • User can multi-select invoices to email all selected to the end user.
  • Invoices page, due date filter default has been removed.